About Somatic Audio Journalling

The Transformative Power of Somatic Audio Journalling

(This system is created and written By Nicole Martin)

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to forget to lend an attentive ear to the one person who truly knows us inside out – ourselves. Amidst the chatter of external voices, there exists a wonderful tool that can help us reconnect with our inner selves, allowing us to become our own best friend: somatic audio journalling.

Somatic audio journalling, much like the traditional written form, serves as a means of self-expression and reflection. However, its unique advantage lies in its ability to capture not only our thoughts and words but also the very essence of our emotions – the subtle nuances of our voice, the pauses, the sighs, and even the unspoken sentiments. By speaking our hearts and minds into a recording, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.

When we take the time to listen back to our audio entries, a profound magic unfolds. It’s as if we are extending a compassionate hand to our own selves, offering a safe space to be heard, felt, and understood. Through this act of active listening, we create a nurturing bond with our inner selves, transcending the barriers of self-doubt and self-judgment. The warmth and sincerity in our own voice becomes a mirror, reflecting back the depth of our emotions and the richness of our experiences.

Imagine a close friend who listens attentively to your every word, offering empathy and support without judgment. That friend is you, speaking to yourself in moments of joy, frustration, or uncertainty. By engaging in this heartfelt dialogue, we cultivate a sense of companionship that is ever-present – a source of solace in times of need and a beacon of encouragement in our triumphs.

“For additional benefits, our audio journaling system combines somatic self-soothing therapies that are practiced while you listen back to your audio recording. This enables you to process your stress more easily through your body and allows your brain the chance to transition from a Gamma brain wave (busy brain wave) to a Delta brain wave (calmer, relaxed brainwave), allowing for greater peace and integration of your feelings.”

So, why not embark on this transformative journey? Pick up your recording device, speak your truth, and listen back with an open heart. In doing so, you’ll find that the most steadfast and empathetic friend you’ve been seeking has been within you all along – waiting to be heard, felt, and understood.

With Love,

Nicole  xox


What Is Self Havening & Why Is It Useful For Audio Journalling

Havening is a popular body centered technique, that helps people overcome emotional trauma and stress. It was developed by Doctor Ronald Ruden in the 1990s and involves physical touch combined with verbalizing your feelings to resolve traumatic memories. Havening produces a calming delta brainwave by stimulating the amygdala in the brain, which is responsible for emotions and memory formation. The delta brainwave has many benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and promoting healing.

To perform self havening, you first think of a stressful or anxiety provoking event or situation. Then, you begin to stroke your arms, and hands in a repetitive and soothing manner, while focusing on the event or situation. You may also utilize humming, counting backwards or lateral eye movement to further assist the brain to uncouple the stress or trauma.

The repetitive touch of havening triggers the release of calming chemicals in the brain, which can help to reduce the intensity of negative emotions, associated with the event or situation. This can help you to feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Self Havening & Audio Journalling

When Self Havening is administered (while listening back to your audio journaling), powerful healing can occur. We comfort ourselves with gentle touch, empathizing with our own emotions, making us feel heard and understood. This process helps us integrate our emotions in a much healthier way. Self Havening provides our brain with the opportunity to transition from a Gamma brainwave (active state) to a Delta brainwave (calm and relaxed state), allowing for increased peace and better integration of our feelings. It’s a powerful experience that I highly recommend! 

For more in-depth information about Self Havening please click HERE

Delta Brainwave soothing music